Parent Madness Search


Just convinced my little girl that her "orange" sheets are really "princess gold"!

So Good

Took the kids to Krispy Kreme for a "field trip" today to learn about donuts. Score!

Big Poo

Dad: Did you go poop?
Son: Yeah!
Dad: How big?
**son stretches arms wide**

What is Parent Madness?

A few funny new sites / apps have turned up on the interwebs recently:
Texts From Last Night (TFLN), Texting While Intoxicated (TWI), F-My Life (FML), It Made My Day (IMMD), My Life is Average (MLIA)

Basically people send their embarrassing, funny or sometimes even painful stories off to these sites, and they get posted for people to laugh about.
Some of them are likely fakes, while others you WISH were fakes but probably aren't.

Anyways, I was talking to my wife last night, and we thought it would be funny to have a site for Parents to post short one liners of things that either their kids or parents said.

So here goes, let's establish the ground rules:

1 - Keep it short! A few sentences max.
2 - Must be REAL!
3 - Must state who it's from and who it's to. (i.e. Father to daughter, no names)
4 - Will be posted as anonymous, or with a funny nickname if provided (i.e. "GrossedOutDad")
5 - Pictures are OK too, but must be PG!

So for example, the other day walking to work I had something brown on the leg of my pants. Not sure what it was, I thought... it could be poop, or chocolate or dirt? Then I thought how funny that is that poop is even an option, and I don't freak out about it anymore! So if I wanted to share that with everyone, I'd rather not type up the whole story when I could just say:

[Grossed Out Dad] Dad: Walking in to work, something brown on my pant leg. Poop? Chocolate? Who knows!!

I thought maybe we could call it "Parent Madness" or something?
(pmad) for short?

So introducing....

Parent Madness (PMAD) -

If you want to submit a short blurb or pic, send it to

Provide these details:

- Nickname (i.e. GrossedOutDad)
- Who's thinking or speaking to who? (i.e. Daughter to Dad, Mom to Son)
- Short blurb
- Attached picture if you want

It doesn't have to just be Mothers and Fathers either!
Grampas, Grammas, Uncles, Aunts, Nieces, Nephews... all submissions are welcome!

Send yours in now!