x - Parent Madness
Crazy and funny quotes from kids and parents.
Parent Madness Search
My son just pulled his pants down and peed in the grass today after soccer practice.
If a muffin has frosting, chocolate chips and pudding filling, it is still a muffin?
Me: Son, why do you keep flushing the toilet? Son: I'm dumping my cereal down the drain.
Son: Dad. Dad. Dad dad dad dad. DAAADDD. Dad dad dad. Dad!!! Me: WHAT. Son: Um... I forget.
Daughter just said I am the "Laundry Monster" when I come into their rooms late at night, bones cracking when I walk, and with a THUD the laundry basket is dropped on the floor. Then there is a loud sigh and I creak and pop out the door.
A bird pooped on the handle of my mailbox.
My son has spent the last few minutes yelling "Luuuuke I am your faaaaatherrrr" into the fan. So proud.
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