x - Parent Madness
Crazy and funny quotes from kids and parents.
Parent Madness Search
Daughter just said I am the "Laundry Monster" when I come into their rooms late at night, bones cracking when I walk, and with a THUD the laundry basket is dropped on the floor. Then there is a loud sigh and I creak and pop out the door.
A bird pooped on the handle of my mailbox.
My son has spent the last few minutes yelling "Luuuuke I am your faaaaatherrrr" into the fan. So proud.
Life can be awesome, and just a piece of poop at the same time. (found in my son's school journal)
Kids are upstairs supposed to be going to bed, but they are running around, laughing, slamming doors and yelling. I yell up "WHAT IS GOING ON???? Son says "Well, we were getting our pjs on and then older sister did the Wuxi Finger Hold on little brother and sent him back to the spirit world."
Found a toothbrush stuck in the vacuum cleaner today.
When you dunk your cookie in your coffee and a big chunk of it falls in, it's kind of a happy sad moment. Sad because your cookie just broke off, but happy because you know at the end of your cup of coffee there will be a coffee soaked mushy cookie.
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